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Klim Shivaya, Sankaraya, Vasu Deva, Sukumrajaya, Swaha 
         Klim is the seed of attraction.  To call to a Deity in this way is to address the dearest and most loveable part of Him.  ‘Aya’ is an address form.  Sankaraya is ‘to the Holy One’, Vasu Deva is ‘Beneficent God,’ Sukumrajaya is meant to mean ‘to the Lord of Being a Good boy.’  It is my own Sanskrit construction, but a Hindu has informed me that it is indeed used devotionally by Hindus, particularly with the Rama form. 
         Swaha is the personal power and will of the form of Godhead addressed. You have a power; I have a power; the Godhead has a power.  Swaha is its name of the Godhead's power. 
Subjective dimension of the Klim Shivaya Mantra for this website 
         The subjective use we will make is the notion that ‘Sukumraj’ suggests the Lord of succumbing to obedience, our “sweet surrender”, if you will.  He gave us that dynamic as part of our nature, and also the hormones which conduce to it.  It is just one more thing to love, bless, and thank Him for. 
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